Sunday, April 10, 2011

GammaGimpa, Alligator and Steever

Luke loves to "read" his nursery rhyme book. I have it on video and as soon as I remember how, I will download it. So cute...stay tuned.
GammaGimpa (otherwise known and Grandma Judy and Grandpa Mike) came to visit. Luke was so excited about spending the night at their house and playing with his "bayooons" (balloons). Honestly, what will entertain us when he stops having his own pronunciations for everything?

Artichoke dip, beer, cute kid and the neighbors dog, Libby. What is not to love about this picture?

Gator alert. He's back but didn't come too close as we all sat stuffing our faces on the dock.

What are we going to do with that hair? I love it but can't decide if it is too long or too short. Luke loves the new grass as much as Kona. The Ragas Clan gets pretty worked up over yard upgrades!

My two guys digesting Dunkin Donuts before the hard gardening starts.

Let's get a tighter shot of that outfit. Seriously this kid is never fully dressed anymore.

Todd stumbled upon the neatest thing while pulling weeds today. A turtle was hibernating under our garden! Of course we totally dig it up, pull it out and try to build it a temporary home so Luke could see it when he woke up from his nap. Welcome out of hibernation and into your stainless steel tub of fun: a paper plate pool of water, some lettuce and dirt. Here is Luke creating a great photo op with "my new pet, Steever." He was so excited...

until Steever got a little too close and the moment was over.

I would not be exaggerating if I said that for about an hour Luke, Kona and I were obsessed with this little Eastern Box Turtle who, for the record, hates water, can't swim, likes bananas and gets stressed out in captivity (yep, I looked it up online cause that's what I do). Clearly, I did not prepare him a happy home so back to the garden it was for him...and Luke...and Kona...and I. This is the part where Kona got sidetracked by Luke's Peanut Butter Bar but not for long.

There he is forging his way past my new basil plant. Go Steever, go!

Now he is veering away from the big furry red thing...don't give up Steever!

Backtracking to the sprinkler made him feel safe again, I think. According to the internet he is probably 2 to 4 years old. Eastern Box Turtles grow very slowly. You can learn so much online..thanks Al Gore.

If you scroll through these next 3 pics quickly Steever will practically jump off the screen at you. This was the part when he was chasing me down. Come on little guy!

Getting closer, the lapsed time is now 3 minutes.

Almost to the edging! Lapsed time is now 6 minutes.

And Luke is there to help him over the edge with his piece of mulch. Touching Steever with bare hands was out of the question according to Luke.

Next destination...sprinkler hole.

Thus ends the saga of Luke's New Pet Steever. He is now somewhere in our backyard hiding under or in the grass. I hope an alligator doesn't get him, or a snake (is that possible?) or Todd's lawnmower. Darnit, now that I know he is there I am going to worry about him. Should have left him in his turtle condo...

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