Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sarasota Jungle Gardens

As the school year came to a close and the weather got warmer (slight understatement) The Ragas Clan ventured to Sarasota Jungle Gardens. Not quite a zoo, not quite a botanical garden, it feels like a throw back to old Florida. Very simple and quiet (at least until we got there).

And he's off...don't know if you can see it but Luke had to bring his own camera (dangling from his wrist) to capture the memories!

Just your friendly vulture...LOVE the name though.

It's a tree growing through another tree! The thrills were really one after another at the Jungle Gardens.

Hello Mr. Flamingo, despite being pink I always assume flamingos are boys. Check out how excited Luke was to encounter this fellow.

I know many will disagree-but seeing this black swan was actually more entertaining that seeing the movie. No disrespect Miss Portman, I still love Where the Heart Is.

Luke warmed up pretty quick when we got some flamingo food to share.

*You should know that a.) he didn't really "warm up" more like tolerated feeding the birds and b.) someone took pity on our poor child because we didn't have any cash or common sense to buy him flamingo food until we got ALL the way to the back of the gardens where the flamingos are located*

Funny story-as I am instructing Luke how to "gently pet" the flamingos on their backs one turned around and bit me on the arm. This provided a nice laugh for everyone and I walk off in a jiff, lest anyone see my very sore pride.

I know all flamingos look the same (no offense to any flamingos) but this one reminds me of the one from Gnomeo and Juliet. I can almost hear him telling me to "geeet out beefore your one bite turns eeento 27."

I am keeping my distance from this guy.

Here is Luke and his buddy from school, Austin, having a "play date" at our house.

Stay tuned for the upcoming segment sponsored by the Hawaiian Visitor's Bureau...just kidding but I do have some great pics of our trip!!!

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