Monday, January 17, 2011

Holidays 2010

We made it through another fantastic holiday season in the Ragas house! Decorations are put away and we have been enjoying the sunny 70 degree weather here in Florida (pics of that to come later). As I sweated my way through summer it was hard to imagine how lovely the "winter" would be. I guess those snow birds are on to something...

As we geared up for Christmas, Luke got to make a Gingerbread House (really just because I had an extra from my class making them). It lasted 1 day and then all of the candy was eaten off!

We celebrated a "White Christmas" (nice pun, right) with Jeff and Steph. The guys really put some muscle into popping open their party favors before dinner.

Bet you can't guess what was inside the favors...

Luke got one of his favorite gifts from The White's, Buzz Lightyear.

Jeff got a bacon pirate mug...
Too much partying Luke??

ROAD TRIP...we left Primrose at 5:15 pm on Dec 23rd and arrived at the Brumleve house around 10:00 am on Christmas Eve. Todd pretty much drove the whole time and we had a delightful Christmas Eve breakfast at Waffle House. I am thinking it might be a new Ragas Family tradition...

Here we are (sort of) rested up at Christmas Eve dinner. Thank goodness we had Nanny and Papa to watch Luke while we slept.

Everybody...apparently the party favors with hats were a hit from Florida to Texas!

After dinner Luke made a lovely pointillism letter to Santa and after bribing him with other desserts, finally left some cookies out for Santa.

I don't care how cool you are, everyone gets matching pajamas at Christmas! Thanks Mom! I bet even Clint Eastwood has a picture like this in his personal files.

Merry Christmas Luke!

Uncle Brian played Santa (with lots of help from the older, more surly elves).

You would think I'd remember why I took this picture but I can't. Special boys...

Hasn't caught one in the glove since. Good thing I got this picture.

Funny things about gift giving this Christmas
1. I made an elaborate plan with my dad to get my mom a certain book by one of her favorite people. I told him not to worry about getting it, I would take care of it...totally forgot. Don't worry she got it from a friend.
2. As you can see from the pic below- mom and dad had a classic case of receiving the same exact gift...from each other. Classic...

Obligatory pic of the Ragas Clan heading off to Christmas #2 at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Luke was asleep of course.

Piles and piles of presents...and Raymond.

Luke didn't get the memo that we weren't wearing our jammies this year on Christmas. Honestly, he has got to start checking his email.

Here are the "cousins" eating and watching the History Channel...

This is the part where the pictures switch from my old camera to my new one. Hopefully they are better quality but keep in mind this was my first time using the camera, hence all of the black and white (what a cool feature!!)

Here is our Gram and Aunt Debbie getting some grub.

Uncle Bruce and Luke watching Despicable Me.


Luke helping Papa put air in the truck tires. He was in full get-up: hat, mittens, shades, boots, jacket and spent maybe 7 minutes outside.

Sassy Todd!

Ahhh Uncle Julios...only to be surpassed by Joe T's. Even if you don't know those Mexican restaurants you can agree that Allison was the child whisperer at our dinner.

All My Single Ladies...and by single I mean married or in committed relationships but that just doesn't sound as fun!

Child whisperer #2...Uncle Brian.

Tortilla faces

The boys creating more tortilla faces

Not bad for my first action shot...

Nice breakfast Luke

So dedicated to the sport of miniature table tennis he sleeps with the paddles.

Zoo Day!!! The Fort Worth Zoo was so fun and crowded. What was it Christmas Break or something? But we persevered and had lots of exhausting fun...
Avri on the merry go round...

Luke and Raymond were there too!

Quick everybody whatever you do, don't stick your hands in the touch tank!

Camp Counselor Todd says to always find a buddy or two and hold hands in the parking lot. Just kidding this was totally spontaneous (the first time, then we made them do it over and over to get a good picture).

Joe T's after the zoo!

For New Year's Eve we met both sides of our families at Bucca Di Beppo. Since there were so many of us we got to sit in the coveted "Pope Room." Okay I am not sure if it is really coveted but I at least had to ask for it special when I made the reservation. The draw is obviously the giant lazy susan and Pope watching you eat.

The Palkovics...what a good looking group.

Nanny and Papa were on Luke duty. It was our last night in Texas and I wanted them to get plenty of quality time with him. I also wanted to sit by my husband and drink a glass of wine slowly without flailing arms all over. It was a win/win.

I love this picture of Todd, Mike and Judy.

Gram and Uncle Bruce

My family...

Flailing his arms right into Nanny's mouth...I told you!

Stealing Papa's face parts. You had to be there.

Cousinly love

Hey mom I bet you can't hold that curtain up for more than an hour. This is one of my favorite pics too.


Back at Grandpa and Grandma Simm's house we got the New Year's Party started!
Jumping on the bed...

Riding on Todd (always a favorite). I like to think Luke is looking at his dad with concern but in reality he was probably just telling him to go faster.

Finally, all the little people crashed out during a movie...Oh no wait that would be Luke still awake after everyone else passes out. He seems confused by the scene...

Sassy Luke

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