Saturday, August 1, 2009

101 Posts!! Do I get a prize?

On Wednesday Luke and I headed for Austin to visit my 2nd college roomate Jessica, her daughter Madelyn and husband Wade. We had a great time (even though the adults slept a total of about 7 in 2 days) just hanging out, playing and eating.

Here are Jessica and Madelyn playing in her room.

Luke really liked all of her big girl furniture.

Forgot to turn the pic... but this is Rusty the dog. Luke was very interested in him and spent a lot of time bonding through the sliding glass door.

Playing chef. Sorry dad!!!

Too cute!!!

In the backyard...can you see the dirt on my face?

I love Rusty and I love to swing. Here I come bathtub...

Hey Madelyn watch what I can do!

Coed bathing is the best!
After storytime at the library Madelyn showed Luke how to play on the computer.

Everytime we went anywhere Luke made a beeline for this car. I am sensing a trip to the toy store for the Ragas Clan soon.

Not really sure what is going on. We just looked over and saw this.

Before going to the park Madelyn was helping us get Luke dressed. She was so sweet to Luke and always wanted to help.

In Cedar Park there is a very fun "dinosaur park" with buried bones to dig up.

Hi mom! This excavating is a lot of fun.

After getting sandy the kids played in the water to clean off. A genius designed this park. Just as Luke would put his head near the hole Madelyn would turn on the water. They are a good team.


All cleaned up and swinging.

Home again, home again. Laundry in the dryer, Luke in the suitcase.

Video of Luke eating and doing tricks.
Fun times in the backseat. I don't really know what is going on but they aren't crying.
Waiting for the water.

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